Rewards Incentive Program

Education isn’t always enough to drive behavior change.

With Optavise’s Rewards Incentive Program, employees can request a personalized cost comparison report for any elective test or procedure.

Explaining healthcare coverage and how cost sharing works typically isn’t enough to change how employees make decisions about the care they receive. Sometimes you need to grab their attention and show them, in hard dollars and cents, how their choices can affect their financial as well as physical well-being.

Retailers have long known that combining quality merchandise with lower prices and the opportunity to earn cash back is the key to repeat business. Employers are now applying similar principles to the challenge of reducing healthcare costs: show employees where the best prices are for quality care, AND give them “cash back” for choosing a good deal—and employees start thinking like consumers, not just users, of healthcare.

Reduced overall costs for both the employee and the employer.

A personalized cost comparison report shows cost data for up to three physicians and facilities and indicates Rewards-eligible providers (lower-cost options). Employees who choose a lower-cost option receive a reward, determined by their employer —for example, a percentage of the savings (or a fixed amount) in their paycheck, or Optavise’s Prepaid Mastercard® Card. The card is sent directly to their home and can be used anywhere MasterCard® is accepted.

Optavise Advocates can help.

An employer with 1,500 employees has an average of 97 calls for cost comparison research each year. If 82% of those employees choose the lowest-cost provider, that employer would see an annual savings of close to $118,640 and more than $32,000 in employee savings.

Colonoscopy cost comparison

A member received a report for his colonoscopy. The report outlined three options in his area revealing a potential savings of $2,000. When he chose the cheapest option, he received 20% of the savings.

Option A


Option B


Option C


Key benefits of our rewards program

  • Reduces health care claims costs
  • Improves participant awareness and understanding of health care costs
  • Motivates employees to take care of their health—and their healthcare—freeing them to focus on their work, instead of trying to comparison shop their healthcare